Processing of customer complaints

We would like to hear from you if there is something you are not happy with. Our goal is to have Norway's most satisfied bank customers.
Man outside work

How to complain

We are proud to have so many satisfied customers in Handelsbanken. If you are dissatisfied with something we have done, we want to hear from you. We will use your feedback to improve ourselves, and create even better products and services. These guidelines for complaints also include our subsidiary, Handelsbanken Eiendomskreditt NUF.
  1. Send us your complaint in writing.

    If you are a private customer, send us a message from the mailbox in the online bank Opens in a new window. As a business customer, you use the mailbox in Nettbedrift Opens in a new window. Mark the message "Customer complaint". You can upload attachments if you want. 

    If you do not have access to online banking or Nettbedrift, you can contact us at Digipost Opens in a new window. Search for the Handelsbanken Kundeklager, or send a letter (please mark "Customer complaint") to:

    Handelsbanken NUF
    Postboks 1342 Vika
    0113 Oslo

    If you wish to direct a complaint to one of our subsidiaries, SHB Liv Forsikringsselskap or Handelsbanken Liv, we ask that you contact Digipost Handelsbanken Customer Complaints or by post to:

    Handelsbanken Liv
    Postboks 1960 Vika
    0125 Oslo

  2. We make a thorough assessment of your case.
    In order to get a complete picture of the complaint, we will obtain all relevant information in order to make a thorough assessment of it. Complaints are processed continuously.

  3. You should receive an answer with easy-to-understand reasons.

    If we cannot accept your complaint, we will give you a written justification that you can understand.

  4. Contact the Financial Complaints Board or Verdipapirforetakenes Forbunds Etisk Råd.
    If you experience that the complaint cannot be resolved by Handelsbanken, you can contact other bodies.

Contact information external appeal bodies

Finansklagenemda (Financial Complaints Board)
Postboks 53, Skøyen
0212 Oslo
Tlf: 23 13 19 60 Opens in a new window

Verdipapirforetakenes Forbunds Etisk Råd
Postboks 1501 Vika
0117 Oslo
Tlf: 23 11 17 40 Opens in a new window

What we do when you send us a complaint

  • These are Handelsbanken's routines for ensuring proper processing, registration and follow-up of the complaints we receive. The routine applies to Handelsbanken NUF and Handelsbanken Eiendomskreditt NUF, and to complaints from both private and corporate customers.
    • What is a complaint? A complaint is when a customer expresses dissatisfaction with the handling of a service, product or service by us.
    • Written complaints: We request that the complaints are primarily sent to us in writing, so that we are sure of what you are complaining about, what you are asking for, and to ensure documentation of the complaints we receive and that we follow them up in a good way.
    • Where can you send the complaint? If you are a private customer, send us a message from the . As a business customer, you use the . Mark the message "Customer complaint". You can upload attachments if you want. If you do not have access to online banking or Online Business, you can contact us at Handelsbanken Customer Complaints or by letter to: Handelsbanken NUF, Complaints Officer, PO Box 1342 Vika, 0113 Oslo. We ask that you mark the inquiry as a complaint.
    • If you wish to direct a complaint to one of our subsidiaries, SHB Liv Forsikringsselskap or Handelsbanken Liv, we ask that you contact Digipost Handelsbanken Customer Complaints or by post to
                Handelsbanken Liv 
                Postboks 1960 Vika  
                0125 Oslo

    • The bank branches and the Complaints Officer: We have a central complaints unit ("Complaints Officer") that receives complaints, ensures that any conflicts of interest are identified and handled, strives for equal cases to be treated equally, that the complaint is registered and that an analysis is made of the received the complaints. In Handelsbanken, it is normally the bank branches that process complaints concerning the specific customer relationship. The person responsible for complaints will in some cases also be able to process the complaint himself, e.g. if there is a question of impartiality, conflicts of interest, or if it is otherwise natural that the Complaints Officer handles the case.
    • We will make a thorough assessment of your case: In order to get a complete picture of the complaint, we will obtain all relevant information in order to make a thorough assessment of it.
    • Complaints are processed continuously: We process all complaints continuously, and you will receive a written confirmation as soon as possible that we have received your complaint. The confirmation will contain the expected processing time and information about any right to have the complaint processed by the Appeals Board.
    • We say if we need more time: We will answer you without undue delay. If we are unable to meet the expected processing time, we will inform you of the background for it, and when we believe the complaint will be processed.
    • We will speak and write simply: We will communicate with you in clear and distinct language. If you think we do not succeed, we would love to hear from you.
    • We will give you an easy-to-understand reasoning and inform you about the right of appeal: If we can not accept your appeal, we will give you a written justification that you can understand, and information about the possibility of bringing the case before an appeals board, f. ex. The Financial Complaints Board and Verdipapirforetakenes Forbunds Etisk Råd.